LESSION-4 WORDPAD Date=28/06/2022

Show or Hide -: इस ग्रुप से आप ruler और status bar को हाइड या अनहाइड कर सकते है ,

डिफाल्ट रूप से ruler और status bar के चेक बाक्स सिलेक्ट होते है ,मतलब दे आपको दिखाई देते है ,इन चेक बाक्स को अनटिक करने पर वे हाइड हो जायेगे /

:-Wordpad Keyboard and short cuts -:

1.Ctrl+B -: Format the सिलेक्शन with बोल्ड

2.Ctrl+I -: फॉर्मेट the सिलेक्शन with इटैलिक

3.Ctrl+U -: undercore (underlines) the सिलेक्शन

4.Ctrl+Shift+W -: underscore (underline) only words (not spaces) of the selected टेक्स्ट

5.Ctrl+= -: Change the selected टेक्स्ट to subscript

6.Ctrl+Shift+= -: Change the सेलेक्ट टेक्स्ट to subscript

7.Ctrl+D or Ctrl+Shift+F -: à¤¸ेलेक्ट the टेक्स्ट first, then press Ctrl+D to open the font

8.Ctrl+Shift+A -: Change the selected text to all caps. If text is already capitalized,will change to no caps

9.Ctrl+C -: Copy the selection to the clip board

10.Ctrl+V -: Paste the selection from the clip board

11.Ctrl+X -: Cut the selection

12.Ctrl+Z or Alt+Backspace -: Undo the last action can be pressed multiple times to undo multiple a ctions

13.Ctrl+Y -: Redo the last action

14.Ctrl+A -: Select all text in the document

15.Ctrl+E -; Center the text in the paragraph that the cursor is in, or center the selected text

16.Ctrl+L -: Left align the text in the paragraph that the cursor is in or left align the text in the selected text

17.Ctrl+R -: Right align the text in the paragraph that the cursor is in or right align the text in the selected text

18.Ctrl+J -: Justify text in the paragraph that the cursor is in or justifies the text in the selected text